Can’t Knock the Hustle

Today’s post is a short one. However, I had a bit of inspiration that I couldn’t ignore. If you’re familiar with this blog, I’m sure you know that I can find a Jay Z or Beyoncé song that’s relevant to just about any situation in life. Today is no different. I’ve been looking for a vendor to do some work for me, and I have been interviewing various people. Yesterday, I spoke with a young woman who impressed the boots off of me. What was so impressive was that she was the wrong fit for what I was searching, however, everything from her presentation to her passion, drive, professionalism, and style was great! Although this opportunity was not a match for us to work together, I’m sure we’ll connect on a future project. After I met with her, I just kept hearing Mary J. Blige singing the hook to Jay Z’s, “Can’t Knock the Hustle” in the back of my mind. I’m rooting for her success, and I don’t even know her.

We often allow ourselves to let rejection or a denial influence how we operate. The truth is, sometimes constructive criticism is helpful, and we often need to take a personal inventory to see if we’re heading in the right or wrong direction. However, there are other times when we’re rejected or denied simply because the objecting body is not a match. When this is the case, there’s no need to alter our style. Eventually, there will be a vessel large enough to handle all that you have to offer. This young lady was a great reminder that sometimes your wattage is too much for some lamps, but that’s no reason to dim your light.

Photo Copyright: <a href=’’>idspopd / 123RF Stock Photo

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